Simple truths today. Many people ask about our beliefs and faith, especially being in the public eye for so long. It's always interesting and fun to discuss these topics from all walks of life. I thought I'd just share my simple thoughts on life and what I believe and know to be true today. So, here we go!
We believe in God The Eternal Father. He is our Heavenly Father and has given us a divine Plan of Salvation. Through this eternal plan, we have the opportunity to come from a pre-mortal existence in the presence of our Father in Heaven to where we are today, in this life. We are gifted with bodies and our spirit and allowed to have free agency to choose for ourselves and experience all life has to offer. We are also given commandments, prophets and the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide us along the way. The most important part of this plan is a savior that our Father in Heaven has provided. Through this plan of salvation, our savior will atone for the sins of the world so that we may have the opportunity to repent of our sins and poor choices, learn from them, and again be able to move back into the Father's presence when the time is come. Our Father in Heaven truly has given us everything!
We believe in Jesus Christ, and that he is the only begotten son of our Father in Heaven. He was sent here to this imperfect world as a perfect being to atone for the sins of the world. We follow his example as we strive to emulate him and our father in heaven in all we do and say. It is only through Jesus Christ that our sins are washed away and we are made whole again, allowing us to come back into God's presence. No unclean thing can enter God's presence. Through our saviour Jesus Christ, all is made whole and all is understood. He suffered the sins of the world, and overcame the world to be resurrected and show us our eternal potential as we follow him. As we choose him over the world, we are guided safely back to our Father in Heaven who has promised us much and has much in store for us!
We believe in families! We believe they are eternal and can be together forever! Not just in this life, but in the life to come! Death cannot conquer what God has so generously and benevolently bestowed upon us. We have the choice to be with our families forever. Again, not just in this life, but in the eternities. Our choices, actions, thoughts and words will determine what becomes of us. Our choices, good or bad with lay out a foundation of what is to come. Only through the atonement of our savior Jesus Christ are the promises made to us from Heavenly Father made possible. Eternal families are one of those promises.
These are my simple beliefs. They grow stronger every day, especially as i stay close to my Savior and Father in Heaven through prayer, service and time spent with my loved ones. God has given us much to be grateful for, and I have found that my gratitude brings many blessings. Trials are overcome, faith is restored and my mind enlightened as I follow the teachings of Christ. I encourage anybody who is struggling with anything in this life to turn your thoughts and prayers to a loving and benevolent Father in Heavne and to our Savior Jesus Christ. He has suffered more than anyone can comprehend and he knows any pain or affliction that we are experiencing. They both will guide you through your trials to higher and holier ground as you exercise your faith in them! I am a walking example of this truth. This is my simple testimony today. Thank you for allowing me to share it with you.